Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chalkey's Escape from Pallet Take 2, Part 5

Today, while grinding for the Elite Four, I realized something: just because I can't catch other pokémon doesn't mean I can't mug the shit out of them.

I taught Pidgeot Thief, and then proceeded to use it on everyone I could find. Wild pokémon tend to hold items, which gives me a few nice things here or there, like Sharp Beak. But what really made this experience enjoyable was discovering I could steal items from trainers. And with that, I'm adding a tally to my usual stats at the end of my blog entries, labeled "Pidgeot's loot" - all items I stole from other trainers.

Captain's Log:
Time: 9:09 (nine hours, nine minutes)
Pokédex: 30
Badges: 8
-Fat Blasta the Blastoise, level 53
-JBlox the Pidgeot, level 49
-Jeps the Jolteon, level 47
-Liz the Doduo, level 24

-Dick Eater the Spearow
-Mr. Nido the Nidoran M (in-game trade)
-Steph the Pidgey
-Ari the Diglett
-Shannon the Pidgey
-Joey the Snorlax
Total dead for the cause: 6

Pidgeot's Loot:
-3 Black Belts
-1 Sitrus Berry
Total items stolen from other trainers: 4

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