Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Items Items Items

A good portion of this session was played in a room with three other guys doing the exact same thing, and two more considering it. I love being a big huge dork.

So the minute I walk on to route 104, I encounter a third Zigzagoon. This one's Zigs, a girl. She's got the best stats of the three, though Stars has been picking up the best items. Interestingly, the one without a nickname has the worst stats. I walked into the Petalburg Woods and ran into yet another Zigzagoon. I now have a subconscious hatred for every pokemon I could have encountered that wasn't a Zigzagoon, for clearly they despise me for some reason. I killed it out of frustration, though for the cost of a pokeball, I might as well have had a 4th gatherer until another way to fill out the party presented itself. As of this posting, the three of them have picked up 10 super potions, 4 ultraballs, 2 full restores, 5 rare candies, 2 revives (pointless except for money in this case) 4 nuggets, a full heal, a protein, and a pp up, and a Taillow in a Pecha tree.

The first gym was a bit scary. I swept it with Theo, but there were some close calls against Roxanne's Nosepass. Later caught a Taillow, named her Anya, and proceeded to sweep the Dewford Gym without a scratch. I'll probably drop one of my 'goons with the Geodude I got in the cave in Dewford. Neglected to name him, will amend this if he survives long enough.

Calling it a night on this one. I need to think of a way to break up sessions, partly because I shouldn't be spending all my time playing pokemon, partly because these entries will become long and tedious.

Theo, Lv 15 Treeko
Anya, Lv 18 Taillow
Stars, Lv 14 Zigzagoon
Zigs, Lv 14 Zigzagoon
Geodude, Lv 8 Geodude
Whismur, Lv 15 Whismur

Playtime 4:37
Badges 2
Pokedex 5
Casualties 0

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